5 Women You Don’t Hear About in History Class

5 Women You Don’t Hear About in History Class

By Makenna Graves When you think of strong women, who comes to mind?   When asked this question, the typical answer for many is their own mother. Beyond that, many people struggle to recall the names of women from history they may have learned about briefly...
Civic Education is Important

Civic Education is Important

By Makenna Graves Our great nation is currently facing a major problem. Students are lacking a basic knowledge of our nation’s history, of self-governance, and why it is important to be involved in our democratic process. A 2016 study from the American Council of...
Diversity in Debate on College Campuses

Diversity in Debate on College Campuses

by Makenna Graves College is a time for young adults to soak in knowledge and engage in civil debate and discussion.  College is also a time to be exposed to new perspectives and different backgrounds, and is often a steep learning curve from jumping from a...
Higher Ed’s Discrimination against Men

Higher Ed’s Discrimination against Men

by Lil Tuttle Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds argues in USAToday that Title IX, the 1972 anti-sex-discrimination education law, “has been turned into a club with which to beat male students.” Higher education has a gender problem: With a surplus of women and a shortage...